ATLANTIC SUNSET_Communication Plan

Second Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Atlantic SUNSET Project

The second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Atlantic SUNSET project was held virtually on Thursday, June 27, allowing all project partners to participate from various locations.

The event featured a presentation by the Costa da Morte Tourism Association, highlighting the successful experience of valorising sunsets in this area of the Spanish coast.

It was informed to the rest of the partners that the project will be represented at the 35th International Congress of Geography in 2024 in Dublin and at the pre-meeting in Galway for the tourism commission. Additionally, it will be represented at the II International Astrotourism Conference and VII Annual Starlight International Meeting.

The project website, which can be visited at, was also presented.

During the meeting, the project’s progress was reviewed and the next steps were discussed. Detailed reports on the progress of different actions were presented and clear goals were set for the next semester.

 The Atlantic SUNSET project continues to advance steadily, driven by the commitment and dedication of all its partners. The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for December this year.